We were made for these times.
It is important to remember who we are. We do not need to change, transform or improve ourselves – we just need to consciously fertilize the seeds of a purpose that was decided long ago – before we took birth, before we chose to bring our formlessness into the world of form and express it in our own unique pattern.
We are already whole and we already exist as that wholeness - with one compelling distraction – the identification with a ME that is seeking something more or better and the belief that this ME is vulnerable and at risk of harm. These two beliefs take us in the opposite direction than where our true self - the one that is already whole, complete and Divine – sits in perpetual stillness – waiting waiting for our return.
If we also become still – and turn toward ourselves – into the feeling OF ourselves - then we can sit and hold the space of unconditional love so that all of our protective and defensive strategies can dissolve and unbind themselves from our cellular memory.
“Everything can transform in the field of love” Clare Blanchflower
Right now we are facing a global transformation of the magnitude that has not been seen in this era. And so this process of remembering who we are and why we are here is critical, because it is time for us to step up and into our purpose with confidence and courage. And…that purpose might not be a job description but a Soul quality that you possess - one that emanates from you and to those around you. The demand of the time might be to embody your groundedness, your empathy, your humour, your wisdom, ever more clearly. We, in all our uniqueness, are needed now. It’s time to let ourselves be seen and heard.
So today, now, in this time, we are engaged in an exercise of remembering what we already are.. the world that is waiting for us! It needs us now!
“The place beyond the opposites is craving human embodiment” - Adyashanti