In the past month we have had one Full Aquarian Moon at 0 degrees of Leo and now, today a second at the very last degree of Leo. The 29th degree of any sign is called the anarectic degree and it signifies the culmination and intensification of the energy of the sign. As always, the Full Moon is an opposition, so we are experiencing now the culminating point on the Leo and Aquarius Axis – with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius, it’s opposite.
Leo is a fire sign, whose symbol - the Lion - has been a part of the iconography of royalty from the time that humans joined together in groups and chose leaders. Leo rules the heart and today’s Sun is shining in exact alignment with a star in the constellation of Leo known as the heart of the Lion – a star called Regulus which also means ruler.
On the opposite side of the sky – the Moon shines bright and full in the Air sign Aquarius. Aquarius rules technology, communities, associations and networks – any and all configurations of elements where there is interconnectedness. Aquarius’ superpower is detachment. The ability to see the bigger picture where one can pull out far enough to see how apparently separate elements DO interconnect.
Where Leo is warm, fiery and heartful, Aquarius is cool, detached and mentally polarized. Where Leo takes the world into its heart to feel it, Aquarius’ genius is to see it from a distance, to understand it’s nature as energy. A phrase associated with Aquarius is “I know”. Just as the heartfulness of Leo can degrade into egotism and showing off, “I know” can be the words of a know it all or a true expression of clairsentience…the kind of knowing that arises from wisdom, experience, intuition and which is grounded in Universal Love.
This is a time when we are gifted with the possibility for insights of a higher order. A time when suddenly the dots connect and we really SEE- not just what it all means but also that all along – LOVE itself was behind it all…the kinds of breakthroughs that change our perspectives forever and that can change our lives. When the Heart of the Lion and the Mind of the Waterbearer combine – we have a turning point moment in our own evolution and in the bigger picture a turning point in which the Advanced Consciousness of an evolving civilization is possible.
This Full Moon comes at a time when the chaos seems to be escalating out there – and it seems more impossible than ever to make sense of it all. But the energies available to us now at this Full Moon combine to make the precise formula we need to negotiate through it.